SEO Website Audit Report
No traffic?
Low engagement?
No conversions?
Is your website not getting the traffic, engagement or conversions you want?
You may have some common technical SEO issues or content problems on your website that you are not aware of. Because of the ever-changing Google algorithm, a website audit is recommended regularly in order to ensure the performance of your website.
Find out why you are having these problems quickly and easily by doing a Basic Website Audit.
A website audit identifies issues based on SEO Impact:
High - Critical issues that must be fixed. They have the greatest effect on traffic and rankings.
Medium - Issues that affect traffic and rankings, but are not putting a website in critical SEO danger.
Low - Recommended fixes based on best practices. They have the least effect on traffic and rankings.
You will receive a complete report containing the following:
All High, Medium and Low issues including;
All On-Page SEO Issues
Title Tags​
Meta Descriptions
H1 tags
Technical SEO
Page Load Speed
Crawl Errors
Duplicate Content
Broken Links
URL Structure
Orphaned Pages
Your report will be emailed to you in 7 days. Find out why you're not achieving the business goals you want.
Please be informed that the recommendations provided to you are at your discretion to implement, and it is strongly advised that you seek the assistance of a professional, experienced Digital Market or SEO expert, or your webmaster before making any changes.
Please note that Zuzi Creative shall not be held liable for any performance issues that may arise as a result of the changes made based on the recommendations provided.